Romania – Member State of the European Union from 1 January 2007
On 26 September 2006, the European Commission issued its last Monitoring Report which re-confirms 1 January 2007 as the
date of Romania’s accession to the EU. Thus, the Commission points out that, in the light of the progress made, Romania
will be in the position to assume, starting with 1 January 2007, the rights and obligations deriving from EU membership.
This special callsign was issued to celebrate this historical moment. The activity is from 25th of December 2006 until
10th of January 2007.
Roumanie – État membre de l’Union européenne dès le 1er janvier 2007
Le 26 septembre 2006 la Commission européenne a publié son dernier Rapport de suivi concernant la Roumanie et la Bulgarie,
qui confirme la date de l’adhésion de la Roumanie à l’UE le 1er janvier 2007. La Commission indique ainsi que,
suite aux progrès accomplis, la Roumanie sera en mesure d’assumer, dès le moment de l’adhésion, les droits et
obligations découlant du statut d’État membre.